August 27, 2014

Haikus About Steam

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I realize that haikus in their true form are incredibly structured and my writing is... well not.  But I'm going to have a few goes at this anyway.

Steam is beautiful-
sometimes.  See that geyser there?
Breathtaking nature.

Water is natural.
Need water in all kitchens.
Especially mine.

21 Day Fix goes
on-  I prepare food in bulk.
Divide all for lunch.

Weeks' worth of lunches 
done in an hour- usually.
Tuesday went awry.

Quinoa done. Lift lid.
Hot steam escapes from the pot.
Severely burns hand.

Redhead sports red hand.
Red hand is very angry.
Redhead needs meds.

Wasn't that lovely?  For the record in case you're curious, "quinoa" is pronounced "keen-wa" so it totally fits the 5-7-5 haiku mantra.

My splotchy, red, steam-burnt right hand says so.

1 comment :

  1. Poor Amy! We're going to look for "hand armor" for your Christmas gift this year. Feel better soon.
