our diet lifestyle


It's such a dirty word, albeit necessary if I don't want to go up a pant-size on a regular basis.

How about "lifestyle"?  I think that sounds much less prickly.

Mr. Pihl and I practice a low-carb lifestyle... generally speaking.

We like bread.  And beer.  And ice cream.  And pastries.  And pasta.  Basically everything that would refer back to that pant-size predicament above.


In the spirit of both enjoying life and fueling our bodies with healthy, organic proteins and vegetables, Mr. Pihl and I try to eat low-carb foods all week, later rewarding ourselves with a "Cheat-Day" over the weekend.  Our cheat days may include but are not limited to: cookies, ice cream, pasta, bread, croutons, fried and breaded anything, and sugary cocktails.

Okay, that last one is all me, but you get the idea.

We work out, we eat a low-carb + high protein/high fat diet, and then one day a week we celebrate our right food choices with some oh-so-wrong ones.

It keeps us on track.

I'm constantly on the hunt for:
  1. Delicious recipes in their own right.
  2. Delicious recipes that remain delicious once Mr. Pihl and I have attempted to low-carb them up.
  3. Delicious recipes that may already qualify as low-carb, but still inspire me to give them a go.
Remember, anytime I use the phrase "Cheat-Day" on Pihling Kansas, it's cause for celebration!

And a cause for antacids...  Lots and LOTS of antacids.

So, whether or not you're into low-carb, follow Pihling Kansas because we'll eat it all!

Have any questions about our crazy dietary needs or habits?  Feel free to contact me!

Always and forever,

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