June 19, 2014

Backyard Wedding

It took me a little longer than I'd planned, but here are the photos from the wedding Mr. Pihl and I went to last weekend in St. Joseph, Missouri.  

The couple said their vows at Lake Tahoe, California in late May and hosted a celebration in the backyard of their lovely home in Missouri.

This table was on the deck leading out to the (beautifully landscaped) backyard.  It housed the most delicious mini cupcakes I've ever laid my paws on.  I tried one of each: white cake with a slight citrus undertone, red velvet (my favorite), and chocolate and peanut butter with a mini Reese's cup on top of each (not pictured because I'm an airhead, but they were a close second on the favorite list).

This was the view of the backyard from the deck:

And here's the deck from below:

Everything was lovely.  They had wonderful waitstaff with amazing hor d'oeuvres floating around to distribute their wares, the best brie I've had in an eternity, and a taco bar.

Yeah a taco bar.

It was genius!  And delicious.

Mr. Pihl and I became obsessed with their kitchen while we were there.  We warned them that imitation is the highest form of flattery, so they should expect to see a near duplicate match in our home next time they were in the area.


Isn't it lovely?

And check out the range.

See that little bit of plumbing and pipe in the center of the backsplash?

Do you wanna know what that is?  (Trust me.  You DO.)

It's a faucet.  For filling pots while you're cooking.

Flipping GENIUS.  Right?!  Why doesn't every home have one?!?!

Oi vey.  I have kitchen envy.

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