August 22, 2014

This Week in PK: August 22, 2014

This week.  Well:

1.  There's a big ol' Pihl wedding this weekend, and it actually will be taking place at the same Pihl shop our wedding shindig went down in.  Pihl weddings... They're a good time.  Chances are more than one Pihl will wake up with a beverage-related headache Sunday morning, and there's a 93.6251% chance that Pihl will be ME.

VI.  There's a 25.7394% chance that I'll be better acquainted with my snazzy new camera by Monday.  No promises.

13.  I love Mr. Pihl.  I won't bore you with the mushy stuff, but this week has earned him some kudos in the encouragement department (when I needed it most).

B.  I bought 3 pairs of walking shoes from Zappos for my Komen 3-Day Walk, and I have to pick which ONE pair I'll be keeping.  It's a close race between them, and my feet want them all - but my bank account disagrees.

2.  Before Tuesday, I had never seen this movie:
I loved it.  That's all there is to it.

XII.  B is still sassy, still has an ego the size of the Kansas sky, and still is aware that both she and my shoes are blue.  Last night she kept flying down to perch and chew and crawl on my shoe no matter how many times I tried to put her on my shoulder.  I have the feeling that she thinks she's found her "person".  My shoe on the other hand is in need of some Febreeze.

I don't know what to do with this relationship.

D.  I finished up my 100 Happy Days Challenge on Monday and it was one of the most rewarding things I've done all summer.  Check it out and try it out.  Be happy!

On that note, have a great weekend guys!  Love ya!


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