January 2, 2014

New Year Productivity

I elected to take New Year's Eve off from work so that I could enjoy two days at home with Mr. Pihl, B, and a very messy kitchen.

Two days later?  

My kitchen is only slightly less messy.  When we were unloading our dishwasher, I made Mr. Pihl put away this Wusthof knife.  It was the perpetrator in our recent knife-related incident, and I was experiencing some serious PTSD at the mere sight of it.

We enjoyed a marvelous New Year's Eve out with Mr. Pihl's friends and family.   I got to spend time with many mommies-to-be and the new bride of one of Mr. Pihl's friends.  The girl is hilarious, and I've had a great time getting to know her.  My favorite quote of the night came from the bride and was "Wusthof is German for 'ouch.'"


I'm still cracking up over that one.  Thanks, Erika!

My thumb is still gimpy.  Healing, but gimpy.  

Uhh... moving on.  Productivity.  Right.

We have thoroughly set up a budget.  Thank you, Dave Ramsey.

Mr. Pihl and I got a chance to cook together.  Twice!  I made him use the knives, though.  (There's no need for history to repeat itself, after all).  We made a delicious variation on scrambled eggs using cumin, green onions, cilantro, cheddar cheese, and my favorite salsa.

And don't forget the bacon!  Bacon makes everything better.  I'm serious.  For a minute or two, I'd even forgotten about my thumb.

On New Year's Day Mr. Pihl came up with the idea of doing a stir-fry while trying to replicate our favorite spicy mustard dip from our favorite Japanese steakhouse.  I think we did a pretty good job.

Is it weird that I was unnaturally excited for the water chestnuts in the stir-fry?  I love water chestnuts.  And bacon.  But not necessarily together.  Hmm... I wonder what that would be like?

In other productivity news, B is still sassy.

And electing to stand on one foot, apparently.  Atta' girl.

The most productive thing I did all weekend was make P-Dub's Grasshopper Pie (which has cheat-day written all over it).  It was a weak attempt because I used a pre-made crust, but I wanted to be able to leave the boozy pie in a disposable pie plate at one New Year's Eve party while we hopped to another.  Does that make me a bad person?  The great thing about making grasshopper pie is that you can "accidentally" make too much filling.  

And then sip and slurp up whatever didn't fit into the pie plate.  Mmmmm......

Also, we are now the owners of a new and sparkly Xbox One.   This whole thing is going to be a major learning experience for me.  I grew up in a house of girls and the closest thing to a video game I've ever played are the Disney games on my iPhone.  

Don't judge me.

Part of Xbox One's allure is that it's basically a home operating console (okay, gamers... I know this is incorrect terminology, but give a novice a little grace, please) and you can verbally command all TV functions through the Xbox.  I tend to speak quickly (and sometimes I forget to annunciate) and I have zero experience playing video games, which may prove to be a very interesting (read: challenging) combination. 

I have a funny feeling that an upcoming post on Pihling Kansas will solely revolve around the Xbox One.  Whether or not it's a happy post is entirely up to to the Xbox.

How was your New Year's Eve/Day?

Happy 2014!

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