August 6, 2014

Destination: Colorado Vacation

Today I worked a half day before scurrying over to the grocery store to stock up on 21 Day Fix approved groceries AND for supplies for a double recipe of my delicious Mexican crustless quiche.


Because Mr. Pihl and I are heading to Colorado for the weekend!  Actually, Mr. Pihl and myself, his parents, his sister, our brother-in-law, and our nephew are ALL heading to Colorado for a weekend.  We're leaving LATE tonight and will be traveling together in an RV (que Griswold family jokes now), and will arrive at our mountain-esque destination as the sun rises!  Hence the quiche.  My in-laws bid on and won a weekend at a cabin (during a local charity auction), and are towing the whole gang of us along for the fun!

I'm not looking forward to the drive, but I am totally, completely, and utterly looking forward to getting to the Colorado mountains.

This is where we're headed:

I know, right?  Wait!  There's more!


I love being in the mountains.  I haven't spent much time in the Rockies, but I grew up camping in the High Sierras every summer.  My family's "spot" in the High Sierras was, is, and remains to be one of my favorite places in the world.  (Our honeymoon spot is tied solidly for second favorite along with Disney World.)  I have high hopes that Colorado will not disappoint.

While I'm there I'll get to test out my new kicks.

Sanuk made them from recycled yoga mats, and they remind me of something my sister might buy.

I chose the black because it's what my department store had, but now that I see the other color options on their site, I'd love to pick them up in more colors.  Like "ocean" or the "grey/yellow" or the "purple" or the...

Point is, I like the shoes.  I think you would, too.

They're easy to put on.

And seriously comfortable.

Sorry about the feet in there.

Let's just forget that happened.

Anyhow, I got them because I needed a casual sandal with a heel strap.  I needed a casual sandal with a heel strap because while I'm in Colorado...


Can you tell that I'm a leetle excited?

Ahhh!!!  Yay!!!

Ahem.  Moving on.

In closing, I'm going to try my best to post a mini weekly roundup on Friday (from my phone - so your ability to overlook grammatical error and atypical post structure is appreciated).  But if you want to follow us along in the spirit of photo sharing, you can follow along with my Colorado experience on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook (though I confess that Instagram is becoming my new BFF, with whom I share my soul via filtered photos).


Wish me luck - and the lack of stitches, knife accidents, and/or hospital trips!


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