August 8, 2014

This Week in PK: August 8, 2014

So, we made it to Colorado!  It was quite the journey out, though.  We decided to travel at night in order to maximize our time here, which was great in theory.

It was great in theory right up to the point where we got a flat tire at 1:45 AM in the middle of nowhere (also known as western Kansas).

So there was that.

I'm still in the throws of my 21 Day Fix plan, hence the above photo.  I worked out this morning on the front deck of our cabin (photo above) and I'm SO going to miss the view!  So incredible!

Last night we went 4-wheeling, today we went white water rafting (with the raddest guide EVER), and tomorrow we'll head back to the mountains to give the 4-wheelers (and my tailbone) a bit more of a workout.

I promise to post photos and stories from our adventures next week! 

Until then, happy trails!

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