April 14, 2014

Random Picture Day

Blogging has caused me to develop a snap-happy finger on my iPhone's camera.  The problem is... they don't always get posted and shared.  This could be due to a fair share of reasons including but not limited to:
  • the day of the week
  • the amount of time that has passed since I consumed chocolate
  • the direction the wind is coming from
  • the amount of time that has passed since I consumed caffeine
  • my mood
  • B's mood
These photos are life altering (not) which is why I'm compelled to share them with you (true).

In no particular order of importance or chronology:

This is the adult beverage market we stopped at in California.  This place is like Costco for booze.   One word?  Amazeballs.

And the final score from Mr. Pihl's and my second go at the Toy Story Mania ride at Disney's California Adventure park:

Guess who was Player 2?  This redhead, that's who.  Bam.
We are fans of the ABC show Once Upon a Time (I know, I know... with our Disney obsession, whoodathunk?) and I was soooooo beyond excited to see this costume from the show on display at the California Adventure park (even though the glare is awful, trust me.  It's there).

And the story book:

This is coffee and a low-carb cheesecake-topped brownie:

Also known as the breakfast of champions.
And scratching our childhood itch on a very, VERY big screen:

Mr. Pihl and I went to The Scheme a few weeks back.  Check out the ambiance:

And this photo I posted on Instagram which also hailed from The Scheme:

I give you a water, Blue Moon, and the Midwest's best Long Island Iced Tea.  It's all about choices, my friend.
There's this fellow we saw at a Kansas City Cold Stone Creamery:

I have an overwhelming desire to wash that apron.  Eww.
And this guy:

I have no words.
We have a new addition in our basement:

I call him "Bumblebee".   Those puny weights currently on the on the bars are mine.
Lastly, I discovered the deliciousness that is acorn squash before realizing that they're not the best thing for a low carb diet.

But for the record, it was the greatest combination of cinnamon, thyme, and coconut oil I've ever experienced.

Whew.  Aren't you glad that's over?

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