March 14, 2014

This Week in PK: March 12, 2014

Happy Pi Day!

Don't these look good?  I want them.  I need them.  Oh baby, oh baby!

But... it's not cheat-day yet.


Today my only Pi Day participation has come in the form of thoroughly enjoying this post by the Disney blog where they took screen shots at the 3 minute, 14 second mark of all of their animated classics.



Get it?  I didn't at first.  I blame it on the lack of actual pie in my system.  Tomorrow, my friends.  To-freaking-morrow.

In other news, here are some statistics for my week:

Number of times I consumed raw cookie dough, much to Mr. Pihl's chagrin: 4

Number of times we actually made cookies: 1

Number of days the temperature was above 60 degrees: 6

Number of days it snowed during a week which contained 60 degree days: 1 (only Kansas weather can be this nuts...)

Number of hours our power went out in Tuesday night's weird weather: 3

Number of times I fell off of the low-carb wagon: ZERO!!!

I'm ready for cheat-day tomorrow!!!  Bring on the breadsticks!  And the PIE!!!

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