February 9, 2014

Purple Desk Blog

Dear you,

While I was in grad school I had an assignment.

What was this assignment, you ask?

Well, let me show you...

You see, I had the task of creating a blog that was targeted for young adult readers and featured some pretty awesome book reviews.  It was the most difficult/strenuous/demanding/work-laden/time-sucking course I've ever taken.

And I loved every minute of it.

I got an A+, by the way.

I've chosen to feature it simply because... we all start somewhere!

Enjoy exploring my (purple) roots!

Amy (BP)

(**Note** You may or may not have noticed that this content had previously graced the leading tabs across the top of Pihling Kansas.  This is no longer the case because I didn't think it was necessary at this point in the chronicles of Pihling Kansas.  Never fear!  Purple Desk isn't going away, it's just no longer out for display, flashing its purple-y-ness around.)

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