February 12, 2014


I'm a master procrastinator.  It comes with the territory of being an A-type personality perfectionist.  I'm usually so afraid of things not being perfect on a project, that I do what any reasonable perfectionist would do...

...just avoid it all together!

What?  Don't you do that?  Please, tell me I'm not alone.


I'm FINALLY working on getting my act together and will soon be posting a review on the resort we went to for our honeymoon a few weeks ago.

I'm planning on including a rundown of service, food, beverages, our accommodations, our favorite aspects, and...

(Cue the dramatic DUN-DUN-DUUUUNNNNNNN.....)

I'm even going to talk about my silly beach accident.  I can call it silly now that it's in my rear view mirror and my stitches are out (which is a story in itself, I assure you).

At the time, it didn't feel all that silly, but then again I am one of the most accident-prone people on this planet.  

I should've expected something to happen, really.


In the meantime, here's a glorious view from the top of Coba's Ixmoja pyramid I climbed whilst on the aforementioned honeymoon.

Eeet vas vuh-ery TALL.

Happy hump day!

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