December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas from the Pihls!

Merry Christmas!  This year has shown Mr. Pihl and myself more blessings, love, and opportunities than we could have possibly imagined.  What will 2015 have in store for us?  Only our Lord knows!

Merry Christmas to you and yours,

Love Mr. & Mrs. Pihl {and the bird}

December 11, 2014

This, That, and the Other Thing

It’s December.  DECEMBER!  Like… HOW?  

Prepping for that walk thing I did sucked away my ability to know what time of year it was.  Suddenly BAM.  December.  I need to breathe into a paper bag or something.

Still with me?  Aren't you faithful.  Thanks!

Speaking of that walk thingy, I forgot to mention one of the coolest parts of it… My family!  Duh, Amy.  While I was in the southern most region of the state of California I was blessed by a few lovely folks who came to see me.  Like my cousin Heidi -

December 2, 2014

Kyle's (Gluten-Free) Monster Cookies

Early on when Mr. Pihl and I were dating, his friend Kyle brought these cookies to a sports-oriented shindig we attended.  Mr. Pihl couldn't stop raving about these cookies and after trying a bite of one (okay... FOUR) I declared the hype to be worthy.

November 26, 2014

My Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk {2014}

2014 Opening Ceremony

Incredible is the best way I can think of to succinctly describe my very first experience as a Susan G. Komen 3 Day walker.  There were so many sights, sounds, and emotions packed into three beautiful days, and the best way I can think of to share them with you is through a photo diary of sorts.

November 25, 2014

3 Day Rundown... Coming Soon!

Whew!  What an experience!  In case you missed it, I spent this weekend walking in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day 60 Mile Walk.  I made it back safely, and I have dozens of photos and stories to share with you!  I promise they'll come soon.  For now, I leave you with this:

Because there's nothing better than a dog wearing a bra doing tricks.  What a cutie!