September 3, 2014

Backyard Movie Night - Up

Happy September!

To celebrate Labor Day weekend Mr. Pihl and I hosted a backyard movie night for a few folks on Sunday night.  Due to storms, backyard movie night morphed quickly into a garage movie night, but it was all good.

We had a Disney flick.  We had beverages.  We had popcorn.  We had our people.

Because of the storms I only managed to snag a few photos of the "Up"-themed decorations, resulting in a post that is devoid of all of the humans who enjoyed those decorations.  And the food (also not pictured).

I'm an airhead.

But I'm an airhead who found an awesome DIY project!

Ain't it purdy?

We like it.  I have a feeling that it's going to become a staple piece of decor in our basement movie room - and every future (non-stormy) backyard movie night, of course.

Other fun movie-related elements included:

Welcome art.  Nothing says "welcome" like that beware of the dogs sign.

Fun fact?  We don't own any dogs.


I added some "Up" pizazz to our weekly schedule chalkboard.  Side note: Yes... Saturday says "Carb Day".  Don't judge us.  Look at Sunday!


I used clouds and two (printable) posters on our sliding glass door to the backyard.

Balloons on one side and my favorite Wilderness Explorer on the other!

We borrowed Mr. Pihl's uncle's popcorn maker, and we loved it so much we are thinking about getting our own!  It was easy to use and made delicious popcorn.  It's by the Great Northern Popcorn folks, and we happened to have their brand of popcorn on hand as well.

It was AMAZING.  Just the right amount of butteriness and saltiness.  And yes, I just typed a word that's not a word.  Blame it on the after-effects of popcorn, butter, and salt.

We served the popcorn in paper bags, which made cleanup a breeze!


We threw out a few glow sticks for fun.  I'm fairly certain that I found more enjoyment in them than the kiddos who were present, but hey.  Finding your inner kiddo is what Disney is all about!

Despite the storm, we all had a great time!  Mr. Pihl and I are looking forward to doing this again very soon, but this time we'll have the forethought to look at the weather forecast.  Maybe.

So, next time?

The Goonies?

Pirates of the Caribbean?

A Sunday night NFL game?

Yes, yes, and yes.

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