September 4, 2014

Monday Morning

Yes, I'm aware that it's Thursday, but our Labor Day was quite laborious.  I therefore am compelled to share it with you.  I promise it will all make sense soon.

Still with me?  Great.  Let me explain.

So, Sunday night was fun.  We had folks over, watched a movie in the garage (read this post for an explanation), and dodged the rain during our dessert intermission for restroom breaks in the house.

After our guests left the weather got REAL.

We were woken a little before midnight to the roaring sound of wind and hail.  Massive amounts of hail.  And rain.  It was dark, so we had no idea what waited for us the next morning.

Dun dun DUNNNNNNN.....

What?  Does that not adequately tell you what our yard look like?  Allow me to elaborate--

So gnarly.

Everywhere.  Leaves.  Plastered to the house.  Plastered the deck.

The hail broke my fun walkway light.  It used to be surrounded by beautiful green spokes which were designed to look like a flower.  Now it looks like it's a hook.

The hail also devoured my poor hydrangea plant.

Back to the leaf plaster effect...


To add insult to injury, the leaves were soaking wet from the storm's 4+ inches of rain creating a sticky, leafy, wet mess.

Here's the mess to the north.

And to the south.

Check this out -- The field north of us became a small lake.  I'm surprised I didn't see Nessie popping out of all that water.

There's that nasty plastered leaf situation again.


Double ugh.

On the bright side, I definitely got a workout from sweeping up all those leaves!  Three days later I can finally move my arms!

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