March 7, 2014

This Week in PK: March 7, 2014

First things first...


May this year be fabulous, and full of many more awkward family photos!

Butala fam-bam, circa 2010.
For me, this photo never gets old.
In terms of our week... refreshingly uneventful!

We're heading to the Kansas City area this weekend to hang out with Mr. Pihl's sister, her hubby, and their excessively adorable almost-9-months-old son.

Due to the accident-proneness of ME and the types of locations we'll be frequenting this weekend, I'm certain that I'll come back to you next week with some absurdly embarrassing story of how I dropped my phone in a bucket of ice water (or something of the sort).

Only me.  I think I need to live in a bubble.

In other news, here are some statistics for my week:

Number of times I made these low carb peanut butter cookies: 2

Number of times I ate raw cookie dough and frankly didn't give a darn: 2

Number of times I channeled Rhett Butler: Once.  Just now!  Reference above statement.

Number of episodes of 24 (Season 4) I've viewed this week: 14

Number days it snowed again in central Kansas: 3

Number of days I was happy that it snowed again in central Kansas: 0

Over and out.  And ready for spring.  Amen.

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