January 16, 2014

OCD Much?

I have a confession.

You may not know this about me, but I believe that may I have type-A, oldest-child syndrome down pat-- with a little OCD thrown in for good measure.

Hear that?  That sound is the rolling eyes of anyone who's ever met me.  They're currently thinking, "thanks for stating the obvious, Ames!"

My OCD carries over to my phone, of course.  I thought that everyone organized their phone apps, until a friend snatched my phone and studied it like it held the answer to the mystery of the fountain of youth.

Check out my screen's snapshot above.

Not only do I group my apps by function, I name them with corresponding verbs.

I know.

I'm nuts.

My Pinterest account is just as bad.

Poor Mr. Pihl.

But imagine how good our fridge will look after I organize it this weekend?

Run, Mr. Pihl.  Run.

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