I have very mixed feelings on snow. These feelings have always erred on more on the side of dislike rather than appreciation.
I know. I'm the snow Grinch. Sorry, Dr. Seuss.
But hear me out. When I see snow, I see crazy drivers, unsafe roads, and my leetle sedan doing battle with the Kansas elements.
Yesterday's circumstances however allowed for me to appreciate the real beauty of this particular form of precipitation.
It was our first weekend since our November wedding where we had zero plans. We could hunker down, cuddle up, and have a Christmas movie marathon (with the KU basketball game thrown in for good measure) while watching the snow falling outside. Ah, newlyweds. Aren't we sickeningly sweet?
And this was what we woke up to this morning.
Our central Kansas area had a predicted 5-6 inches coming to us. In all reality, folks here got to shovel 9-11 inches out of their driveways.
My initial reaction was run out side, flop down, and flap my arms until something resembling a snow-angel-ish blob was formed.
And then I realized that would mean being cold. And wet. So I slid the glass door shut and added peppermint schnapps and heavy cream to my morning coffee.
And it was so gooooood.
Then Mr. Pihl decided to be productive and shovel our drive. I followed outside to snap a few pictures with my phone while intermittently shouting encouragement to my honey.
So pretty.
The view was peaceful, the air was crisp, and my ears were ringing with the sound of our neighbors' snow blowers.
Looks like we'll get our white Christmas!
I'll be happy so long as I don't have to go function out in the snow.
Wait, what? I have work tomorrow?
Stay warm!
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