April 6, 2014

Kansas the Beautiful

Occasionally the beauty of Kansas knocks the wind clean out of me.  I just gape in awe of the beauty of the heartland.

Or, in this case, I skid to a halt on a dirt road (on the way to my in-laws), throw my loaner car into park, and pray that my p.o.s. iPhone camera can adequately capture the beauty of the sunset before me.

It halfway worked.  I love the effect of the sun's rays of light coming through the clouds.

Is there an official name for that?  I'm sure there is.

But no matter.  Being in love with Kansas is not contingent upon official terms describing solar phenomenon.

If it were, I'd be in trouble because anything science related makes my eyes glaze over in 3 seconds flat.  Just ask my health nut, science professional husband.

I'm babbling.  Sorry.


Purdy, ain't it?

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