February 21, 2014

This Week in PK: February 21, 2014

We all have our addictions...
Our honeymoon ended three weeks ago TODAY, and I'm already counting down the days until our next trip in March.

For the record, it's 34 days.

I'm very lucky that Mr. Pihl likes to travel as much as I do!

For those of you in Kansas, did you notice the weather this week?  I mean, whattheheck man?!  Let me give you a breakdown if you live elsewhere or if you've had your head in the sand:
  • Tuesday: Warm, sunny, and glorious
  • Wednesday: Warm, sunny, and glorious
  • Thursday AM: Clouds as low a your house, freezing cold wind, drizzle, and snow pellets that look like shredded styrofoam blowing clear into your ears
  • Thursday PM: Warm, sunny, and glorious
Only in Kansas.

In other news, here are some statistics for my week:

Number of times I smacked my head with a curling iron: 1

Number of times I smacked my head with a curling iron, while it was turned on: 1

Number of times I utilized our treadmill: 5

Number of times I utilized our treadmill with optimism about the effect it would have on my waistline: 0

Number of sisters I have who are about to take a trip out of the country: 1

Number of food photos I took: 23

Number of food photos I've posted: 2

Number of episodes of 24 Season 2 I've powered through: 17

Number of bags of pork rinds I've singlehandedly consumed: 2

Number of Kansas Jayhawk basketball games I'll be watching this weekend: 1

Number of YouTube videos I feel compelled to make you watch: 1

Really, folks... You must see this.  Christina Bianco covers "Let It Go" in an uncannily accurate portrayal of a myriad of famous ladies.  It'll make you smile even if you feel like you've been battling through the longest work week ever.

Isn't she simply poifect?

My favorite part is when she seamlessly shifts from Alanis Morissette to Celine Dion to Kristin Chenoweth (right before the 2 minute mark).  And Adele.  And Barbra.  And Julie Andrews.  And even the Britney part (though I'll never admit it in broad daylight).

What are your weekend plans?

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