February 14, 2014


Gina Dreher Photography

It's National "Hug Your Sweetie" Day!

To be honest, I rolled my eyes when it came to everything about this holiday up until the last few years.  Go ahead.  Guess what ended my eye-rolling angst.

Gina Dreher Photography

If you guessed this guy, then you're right.


Oh, this man.  

Gina Dreher Photography

He puts up with quite a lot, the poor fellow.  

For instance, my bird has tried to off herself twice in his presence.  He's beginning to have palpitations every time she spreads her wings.  Also, have I mentioned that I'm accident prone?  Exhibit Q: I've accidentally almost flooded our kitchen on numerous occasions.

Guess what lives below the kitchen?  Our workout room.  And all of Mr. Pihl's snazzy equipment.

Gina Dreher Photography

Yup, I love him.  Especially for all of his patience with my periodic cases of spaz-ness.  And my poor parking ability.  And my inability to function around knives. And for his inherent kindness and his beautiful heart.

Gina Dreher Photography

Bonus?  His handsomeness.  I mean, look at him!

Gina Dreher Photography

I fall more in love with him every day.

Mr. Pihl... I love ya.

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