February 7, 2014

5 Things You Can Expect After Your Honeymoon

This is my "I don't want leave" sad face.  Sorry to force it upon you.

We returned from our honeymoon on Saturday.  It's now the following Friday, and I've noticed some things.

Of course I feel the need to shoot these things into cyberspace (it's like verbal vomit -- I can't help it) so you get to be the unlucky recipient.  I'm talking to YOU, mom and Mr. Pihl.  After all, you're my two readers!

Of course you could stop reading now, and I wouldn't blame you.

Nobody wants to listen to a redhead waste their time.

Speaking of wasting time, I suppose it's time to divulge these things I've noticed since the honeymoon.

  1. United Airlines is on the naughty list.  Getting to Mexico was an experience in cancelled United flights (again), getting switched over to Delta (bless you, Delta), arriving in Mexico (viva la honeymoon!), being forced to leave after 8 days (why hello again, Cancun airport), arriving in Houston via United (customs was a tedious nightmare), and discovering that ONCE AGAIN, our United flight that would bring us home was cancelled.  United Airlines, I'm breaking up with you.
  2. Avoiding writing a review about your honeymoon will not magically mean that your honeymoon hasn't actually ended.  I admit it.  I'm in denial.  I really, REALLY didn't want our trip to end.  I have a ton of things to say about the Valentin Imperial Maya resort, and I promise that they'll be posted soon (on the day I finally own up to the fact that our honeymoon is over and my tootsies aren't in Mexico any longer, darn it).
  3. Compiling and then editing photos from an iPhone  and android phone, and one waterproof digital camera is... time consuming.  Seriously.  It took me five days until I was ready to share them on my personal Facebook account.  My mom was chomping at the bit to see them on there - which is hilarious to me because my mom doesn't actually have a Facebook account, but she sure knows how to use my dad's!  Hacker.
  4. Completing a hotel survey makes me want to go back.  I WANT TO GO BACK.  NOW.  Okay, thanks.
  5. You have to get your honeymoon stitches taken out.  Okay, maybe this one is just me, but it really did have to happen.  And no, it wasn't fun.  Picture this: A blanket pulled over my head with my thumbs stuffed in my ears so that I can't hear or see anything.   My nurse/mother-in-law wielding sanitized medical scissors, tweezers, and needles.  AND... Mr. Pihl holding his dad's shop lamp above it all to illuminate my knee.  What a sight.

So, that's about it for now.

Thanks for listening!

And if you happen to have two extra tickets to Mexico, Mr. Pihl and I will gladly take them off of your hands.

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