August 16, 2014

This Week in PK: August 16, 2014

It's been almost one week since we returned from Colorado (you can read about our Rocky Mountain adventures here and here and here).  Colorado was extraordinary and we had a marvelous time, but man... It was exhausting.  In the one week we've been home Mr. Pihl and I have managed to make it to work on time, take my Jeep to get an oil change, and tackle exactly 1/2 of the Colorado-generated laundry.

We're pooped, man.  We need a vacation from our vacation.

My vegetable garden on the other hand is thriving.

And I do mean THRIVING.

There's only one row of lettuce there, guys.  I know it looks like two, but the plants have grown heavy and resulted in parting like the Red Sea.

SO. MUCH. Lettuce.

Also, while we were gone one of my tomato plants became too laden with unripened fruit that it began growing into the fence for support (because the puny tomato cage I initially installed around it is no longer big enough for the job).

It's difficult to see, but there IS a green wire fence behind that plant.  And somewhere inside all of that crazy is a cage.

A cage and ZERO red tomatoes.

But I know they'll come.

If you build it, they will come.

Name that movie!

Anywhoodle, what are your weekend plans?

1 comment :

  1. So jealous of your beautiful vegetable garden! Yum! Wish you two could join us for the Rural Olympics at the fair next weekend.
